An exciting European Championship match

2024 June 25th, an exciting European Championship match in which the Netherlands underperformed, allowing Austria to easily win with 3-2. A deserved victory. As CEO of the 🇦🇹 Austrian originated Nunner Logistics and sponsor of the NUNNER ARENA in Tillmitsch ( Styria), I followed the match as a guest of ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Benelux l Oostenrijkse Ambassade Handelsafdeling, which, together with Oberösterreich Tourismus și Urlaubsregion Pyhrn-Priel acted as hosts at the Carlton Ambassador hotel in The Hague. The good news is that Austria will naturally continue as group winners, but that the Netherlands will also go into the 1/8 finals (the knock-out phase). That’s going to be exciting. Good luck to both countries in the next round(s). Thanks to Michael Spalek for the excellent organization! It was a successful event !
Julia Fröhlich, Martina Eicher, Corinna Polz, LLM.oec.,, Hans De Sutter, Elmer de Bruin

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