#BREEAM outstanding in the superlative (Pigeons included)

Helmond, 2024 June 21st, Around our BREEAM-NL Outstanding certified Logistica Nunner’ head quarters, numerous facilities have been installed to stimulate biodiversity. Insect boxes, plants, trees etc to accommodate as many as possible insects, birds and other animals a nice habitat are abundantly present.

Actually, it is not the purpose to attract pigeons 🙂
However, also this year we have a pigeon family that has made itself comfortable on the covered balcony of my office. Wedged between a decorative tree and the ceiling, the couple manages to build a nest every year. And we let them do. Despite the fact that such a pigeon family produces quite a bit of waste, we let them sit there until the little ones fly out.

In the foreground our unique ecofriendly ALOIS, the Peterbilt Motors Company vehicle equipped with a DAF Trucks NV EURO 6 engine powered by SOLAR energy, driving daily around in Europe.

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