Mese: Giugno 2024

Dutch Cycling Championship

Arnhem, 2024 June 23rd, it was a pleasure to be present at the Dutch Cycling Championship as a guest of VolkerWessels. The ladies VolkerWessels Cycling Team, of which Nunner Logistics is a co-sponsor (hashtag#Pushingdreams), started at the market square of Arnhem and continued the course to the Posbank where a number of laps were ridden and then a number of laps in Arnhem.

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#BREEAM outstanding in the superlative (Pigeons included)

Helmond, 2024 June 21st, Around our BREEAM-NL Outstanding certified Nunner Logistics’ head quarters, numerous facilities have been installed to stimulate biodiversity. Insect boxes, plants, trees etc to accommodate as many as possible insects, birds and other animals a nice habitat are abundantly present.

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